FAQ – Catch ups for missed lessons

If you’ve missed a lesson for whatever reason, then most importantly we hope you are getting better if you’ve been unwell! Take the time you need, and we’ll be here for you when you return.

All of our lessons build from week to week. So if you miss a week, then you will be behind the rest of your class. To address this, we sometimes offer catch up sessions depending on the class and lesson, but because our classes have a large practical learning component, many lessons may not be able to be properly caught up. Each class is different though, so check below for your particular class.

The following catch up and replacement arrangements are only offered for students when a last minute incident has caused them to miss a lesson, and is not available for students who knew of the absence prior to booking the class. We strongly recommend only booking a class if you know you can attend every lesson.

All classes

If there’s the same level class, running the same lesson that you need, and it runs before your next scheduled lesson, then we can place you in that lesson as a replacement if there is room. Then you’re good to go and can continue on with your regular class for the next lesson. We strongly recommend against doing this however as it disrupts both classes.

If there’s no other lesson available and you’re not in Improvisation 101, then you may need a catch up session. Catch up sessions are a short one-on-one with one of our teachers to run you through what was covered in the class, and sometimes it is possible to sample some of the practical work. These usually happen over Zoom, but can often be done by your regular teacher right before the next lesson. Catch up sessions don’t replace a regular lesson, and you will be behind the rest of the class – but at least you’ll have some idea of what they’re doing in the next lesson.

In all cases of needing catch ups, contact us as soon as possible so we can schedule an appropriate teacher. If no teacher is available, then unfortunately we can’t offer a catch up.

Improvisation 101

This is also relevant for the first 4 weeks of Improv 1.

Unfortunately we do not provide catch up sessions.

Improvisation 101 is for beginners who have no previous training, so the first 4 weeks build improv foundations very quickly from lesson to lesson. The class is roughly 80% practical and 20% theory, and part of this is learning to let go of some of the conscious filtering most people have which prevents them from being present and in the moment, as well as putting each lesson’s theory into practice. Catch ups therefore don’t really work.

Thus we require all students to complete all four lessons. This is also mentioned in the class description on our website, in our terms and conditions when you register for a class, and in the Welcome to Class email we sent you.

If you miss a lesson and there’s no replacement lesson, then you have the following options:

  1. Take the missing lesson with a different 101 class if one is available, then continue on with your current class. This only works if there is another 101 class running which is at the same point as yours.
  2. Move to a new Improvisation 101 class and start again. Classes start every few weeks, so we can easily move you to one that works for you. You’ll meet new people and be able to take all 4 weeks again. Note that this may require an additional payment. See our Terms & Conditions for details.
  3. Continue on with the next lesson. You’ve missed 25% of the class and won’t have the necessary skills required to complete the class or to move on to the next class. In later lessons of our 101 you may need to sit out exercises which you’ve previously missed or which require skills you haven’t learned. You can get catch up information from fellow students or from the email sent out by your teacher after the class. We don’t recommend this option.

Improvisation 101 Extension

This also applies to the last 5 weeks of Improv 1.

We provide a catch up session for a missed week, which you must complete. You must attend at least 4 of the 5 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 2. Your teacher will then make a decision after week 5 whether you have met the requirements for continuing on to Improv 2.

Alternatively, sometimes we can move students to a different Improvisation 101 Extension class so you can start again from the first lesson.

Improv 1

Improv 1 is made up of 4 weeks of Improvisation 101 followed by 5 weeks of Improvisation 101 Extension. The classes are no different, they’re just packaged together for a lower cost than registering for each individually.

For the first 4 weeks of Improv 1, see the attendance requirements for Improvisation 101.
For the last 5 weeks of Improv 1, see the attendance requirements for Improvisation 101 Extension.

Improv 2

We provide catch up sessions for missed weeks, which you must complete. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 3. Note that some weeks are foundational and the catch up won’t be enough without the practical side, so you may have to sit out later exercises.

Improv 3

We provide optional catch up sessions for missed weeks. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 4.

Improv 4

The first 3 lessons of Improv 4 are critical and must be attended.

We provide optional catch up sessions for any later missed weeks. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 5.

Improv 5

We provide optional catch up sessions for missed weeks. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 6.

Improv 6

We provide catch up sessions for missed weeks, which must be attended. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 7.

Improv 7 to Improv 9

We provide optional catch up sessions for missed weeks. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on.

Improv 10

We don’t provide catch up sessions or replacement lessons, as each lesson is unique and taught by a special guest. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class and be able to continue on to Improv 11.

Improv 11

We don’t provide catch up sessions as each lesson is about exploring new ideas and includes a revision of previous learnings. You must attend at least 6 of the 8 lessons to complete the class.