Improvise with us
Academy of Improvisation improv classes will teach you how to be more spontaneous to advance your life, career, and hobbies, to be more confident, creative and funnier, and to be better at public speaking. You’ll also meet new friends and have lots of fun playing games for improving social skills, for performance skills, or for just having fun. We’re one of only two major improv schools in Sydney – come play with us!

AOI’s core improv curriculum is the most modern and comprehensive in Australia. When you learn improvisation or improv comedy with us, you’ll learn everything. Pure and simple.

Welcome Beginners
Improv sounds daunting. It’s not. Our expert teachers will make your first improv class a memorable and positive life changing experience. You’ll have fun. You’ll laugh a lot. And you’ll make new friends.

Inside Improvisation - The Book!
Our Principal Richard Bennett wrote the book on improvisation (impro and improv) and how it works. Inside Improvisation is available for order online or at most book stores.
Why improv?
Improvisation is the new black. High schools, universities and business colleges are now teaching improvisation as a mandatory skill for being creative, collaborative and for surviving in a new fast changing world. Improvisation teaches you to be confident, outgoing, inventive, fearless, not to be afraid of the unknown, improves presentation, public speaking and social skills, and teaches you that you are all you need.
We’ve been practicing improv for 30 years. All of our classes and are taught by senior professional trainers and practitioners (no student teachers), from course material we’ve developed in–house, incorporating the latest research and developments from around the world. All of which teaches you better collaboration, empathy, fine tunes listening and relationship skills, gives you or improves public speaking skills, and to top it all off makes you funnier. Why are we different?